The 4 most common questions about MBA programmes resolved Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
The decision to enrol in an MBA is not one to be taken lightly. In addition to the financial cost

The decision to enrol in an MBA is not one to be taken lightly. In addition to the financial cost, a full-time programme will require you to take a step back from your professional life and devote yourself to the challenges of a demanding academic environment. Even a part-time programme may push students to their limits, as they need to divide their time between the requirements of their studies and their job.

“The single biggest challenge in doing my MBA was attempting to balance family, work and studies. The MBA was as demanding as it was rewarding, in particular as a part-time student, which required constant focus and motivation to stay on track”, says Christie Koorts, one of the University of Stellenbosch Business School’s top MBA graduates.



To help you assess whether committing to an MBA at USB is the right move for your professional development, we’ll answer some of the most common questions prospective applicants have about MBA programmes.​


1. Is an MBA worth it?

Whether or not an MBA is right for you depends exclusively on your reason for pursuing the degree in the first place. If you’re interested in developing key leadership and management skills with the broader aim of making an impact by starting your own company or joining an existing company in a managerial position, an MBA might be just what you need to secure the position and exceed expectations. However, if you’re unsure of your future and are considering enrolling for the sole reason of delaying your foray into the working world, then an MBA might not be the choice for you at this moment in time. Always have a clear list of reasons and expectations going into the application process, so you know exactly why you’re embarking on the journey and have a framework to gauge its worth in the long run.

​​2. How complicated is the application process?

Applying for the MBA programme at USB is a quick and easy process. All you have to do is head over to and complete the online application form. The form comprises seven sections: (1) personal details, (2) address details, (3) work and studies information, (4) marketing, (5) uploaded documentation, (6) payment and finally (7) status. The exact documents you should have ready before your application include certified copies of your academic records, a copy of your CV, your matric certificate, GMAT or SHL selection test results and a signed declaration form. You will also need to complete three short motivational essays of approximately 250 words each, on your competencies, your career objectives and your personal motivation. Once you have completed this process, your application will be reviewed by our selection panel and you should receive information about the outcome within 30 days.​

3. Do I need work experience before applying?

Regular applicants for the USB MBA programme are required to have at least three years of experience in a work environment if they have a recognised bachelor’s degree or equivalent. The reasons for this are twofold. First, such work experience is a requirement of USB’s EQUIS international accreditation. ​Second, much of USB’s MBA depends on collaborative learning. This is most effective and rewarding for students if they have genuine experience in the workplace to draw on and share with each other.

​4. Does an MBA guarantee a better paying job?

While it’s impossible to say for certain that an MBA alone will guarantee you a better paying job than if you don’t have one, the data consistently shows that professionals with an MBA qualification earn higher salaries than their peers without. According to a recent Forbes study that looked at 550 MBA alumni, full-time students saw, on average, a 50% increase in their salary compared to the year before starting their degree. While this figure has been relatively constant over the past few decades, it’s important to remember that the business environment is changing at an increasingly rapid rate. As such, when considering an MBA you should find one that best prepares you for the business and market challenges that lie in years to come.

The MBA programme at the University of Stellenbosch Business School combines academic rigour with real-world experience to develop the skills and characteristics we need from our business leaders of tomorrow. Are you ready to take that all-important first step towards a brighter future? Enrol today.

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