About Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content

Who we are

Stellenbosch Business School, a distinguished African institution with triple accreditation, is dedicated to cultivating responsible leadership qualities. Established in 1964 with just 14 MBA students, the school has flourished over nearly six decades. Serving a diverse student body from around the world, we offer acclaimed programs recognized internationally. Our extensive alumni network exceeds 30,000 individuals, many holding key leadership positions in global enterprises. Stellenbosch Business School continues to set the benchmark for excellence in business education.

Throughout its evolution, Stellenbosch Business School has maintained its foundational values of academic excellence and rigorous research. While embracing diversity, transformation, social engagement, and ethical standards, the school has garnered international accreditation and high global rankings.

The school's continuous analysis and re-evaluation processes ensure its vitality. In 2007 and 2010, mission statement reviews reaffirmed its commitment to nurturing responsible leaders who positively impact society and offering globally recognized degrees of exceptional quality.

Beyond academic qualifications, Stellenbosch Business School aims to develop responsible leaders capable of making substantial contributions in their fields nationally and internationally. Rooted in values such as excellence, accountability, compassion, equity, and respect, these principles guide all facets of the school's transformative activities.

Each transformation in the school's history reflects its innovative thinking and bold implementation, reinforcing its enduring commitment to societal responsibility.

From Acting Director Prof Charles Adjasi

We have been shaping future business leaders for 60 years, who are committed to ethical behavior, sustainability, and societal impact, ensuring a positive legacy for generations to come

Charles Adjasi

Our Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision

Be a creator of value for a better world

Our Mission

Through knowledge advancement and transformative learning we develop responsible leaders who positively impact society.

Our Values

  • Excellence: We exceed expectations
  • Accountability:  We are answerable for our actions
  • Compassion:  We care for the well-being of all our stakeholders
  • Equity:  We commit to restitution, fairness and inclusivity
  • Respect: We embrace the dignity of each person
Accreditations and Rankings

Accreditation and Rankings



Campus and Facilities

Campus and Facilities
