Development Finance: Make Africa’s growth your life’s work Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Development Finance: Make Africa’s growth your life’s work
We all want to see Africa grow.

That’s why at Stellenbosch Business School, we aim to discover the critical skills needed to develop our continent effectively, sustainably and where it matters most. The Development Finance programmes at Stellenbosch Business School – Postgraduate Diploma, MPhil and PhD – are perfect for those of us with a focus on building Africa through financial projects and business initiatives.

Rich with potential 

Africa is set to become more prosperous than ever before. With much growth already on the cards, we have to leverage resources in order to finance everything from roads, housing, hospitals and schools to energy plants, dams and SMEs. Development Finance will help you shape, develop and implement relevant projects and policies to turn African-driven initiatives into a reality.

Africa and beyond 

While these programmes are geared towards African development using real African case studies, the expertise and skills you will gain on your Development Finance journey can be applied in any developing country in the world. To put this into perspective, students from 18 countries around the globe have attended these programmes over the past five years.

Study while you work

Stellenbosch Business School’s Development Finance programmes all have a learn-while-you-earn format. This will enable you to study while you work. The one-year Postgraduate Diploma requires you to be on campus for two blocks of two weeks each.  The two-year MPhil is structured into three on-campus blocks (also two weeks each) and a research assignment. The PhD has two blocks (also two weeks each) during the first year, followed by supervised research.

​What Stellenbosch Business School students say

We got in touch with student Tshepo Matsebanane to gain more insight into the Development Finance experience at Stellenbosch Business School.


What made you choose Development Finance?

It was a personal choice as well as something that I will use in my professional life. I have an accounting background and when I saw the curriculum of Stellenbosch Business School’s Development Finance programme, I got excited because I know it is something that I will use in my banking career. 

One thing that made me fall in love with the programme is the way it is designed for a working professional. The programme format is very flexible – you come for two blocks of classes at a time (two weeks in March and two weeks in July) and then you go back home and apply what you have learned. 

What are you looking forward to this year?

I am ready and psyche up for the challenge and to learn from the modules. I also look forward to meeting new people and networking. I know this programme will add value to my life and my career. 

You can become part of the Africa’s growth and prosperity through Development Finance. Step up to the plate today, and discover the African-driven measures that will take our country and continent forward.

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