Use USB’s Programme Finder to take your career in the right direction Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Use USB’s Programme Finder to take your career in the right direction
You know exactly what you want to achieve in your career.

You know exactly what you want to achieve in your career. But you may not be sure which USB programme is best suited to your unique academic journey. So we designed the Programme Finder– an intuitive tool that takes into account your working experience, current job and career interests to help you find the perfect programme for you.

Using the Programme Finder – Let’s begin

Enter your First Name, Last Name, Age and Career Stage. If you have an updated LinkedIn profile, this section can be completed automatically using the ‘AutoFill with LinkedIn’ option.


Next, enter your Career Stage. Options include Chairman, Board Member, Senior/Executive Management, General Management, Manager/Supervisor and Staff/Associate.

Include your experience in your current position as well as the years of experience you have in management. Simply set a value between 0 and 20 years on each slider.

Define the space you work in via the Job Function dropdown menu. If you work in a field that is not mentioned, select Other. Then click Next.


Identifying your Areas of Interest

At the top of the Area of Interest page, you will be presented with a summary of the options you selected on the Personal Information page.

Then, select the type of programme you’re interested in:

● Executive Programmes – Executive Programmes are short and, in some cases, modular. These courses are designed to focus on leadership and management development across Africa.
● Postgraduate Diploma – A Postgraduate Diploma allows you to strengthen your expertise in a particular field. They are usually one year programmes, but certain programmes can be completed over two years if the required by the learner. Certain Postgraduate Diplomas are requisites for studying at a higher level.
● Master’s – A Master’s degree continues your specialisation of knowledge but at a higher level than a Postgraduate Diploma. It can take anywhere between one and three years of study, and can also be completed as part-time or full-time undertakings.
● PhD – A PhD degree demonstrates the highest level of postgraduate study. Not only do learners enhance the specialisation of their knowledge, but also complete research in the form of a thesis that enhances or adds to the specific field. A PhD will often take multiple years to complete.


Then choose the area of interest for your programme. A wide variety of options are available, including Accounting, Coaching, Governance and Ethics, Marketing, Project Management and Strategy.


Click Next to advance to the final page of the Programme Finder – Your Results page

Assessing your results

The Programme Finder will display the courses most relevant to your experience, areas of interest and type of programme you are interested in taking part in. You can navigate through each option to find out more about the specific course. Please note that if you chose Executive programmes under Programme Type, selecting a course will take you to the dedicated USB Executive Development site.

Even if you aren’t sure which programme best suits you, or have a programme in mind but are curious as to what other options are available, our Programme Finder will guide you on the right path to expanding the depth of your knowledge and enhancing your career. Change your future today!

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