Why the best post-graduation investment you can make is in your education! Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Many people seek investment opportunities in stock markets, property, cryptocurrency or micro-lending.

Many people seek investment opportunities in stock markets, property, cryptocurrency or micro-lending. But one of the most important investments you can make is in your education.

We explore why a postgraduate programme is an ideal way to secure your future.

Study while you work

Modern postgraduate programmes are available in a number of different formats. If you cannot afford to study full-time, or don’t want to put your career on hold, you can choose to complete a postgraduate qualification in either of the following part-time programme formats:

  • Modular – A modular programme splits the course content up into multiple contact sessions (modules), usually a week long. At the end of each session, students will be required to submit an assignment. This format extends the study period to two years.
  • Blended – A blended programme is a mix of different teaching formats. This hybrid method of learning combines traditional lectures with e-learning methods, which allows learners to engage with learning materials, such as video lectures, online. This type of part-time programme requires students to attend classes that are generally presented in a weekly block structure, or on a weekly basis in the evenings. This format also extends the study period to two years.

Greater individual attention

More individual attention could help you achieve greater academic success. Postgraduate classes are much smaller than undergraduate classes, so there is considerably more individual attention during the programme.

Stand out from the crowd

Investing in a postgraduate education will help you differentiate yourself from competing job seekers.

This will also reward you with better career opportunities higher up the organisational structure. Whether you are already employed or are looking to acquire a mid- or senior-level position in a company, the relevant postgraduate qualification can help you achieve this.

Freedom to switch careers or academic study paths

If you are looking to change careers, but don’t want to pursue an additional undergraduate degree, you may be able to progress directly towards a postgraduate study path with your current academic qualifications. Certain qualifications have a degree of flexibility, allowing you to switch to a career path that better suits your professional aspirations.

Enhance your professional and personal skills

Regardless of the academic path you choose, you’ll be able to grow your analysis, research and writing abilities, which are valuable skills in many different fields. You’ll also learn to enhance your career-specific expertise, depending on your chosen postgraduate qualification.

A postgraduate programme will also give you the opportunity to develop your personal skill set. You will be exposed to a variety of people from different walks of life, increasing your networking opportunities and requiring you to adapt how you engage with people. You will also frequently encounter situations that require you to step outside your comfort zone, allowing you to develop additional skills, such as communication, time management and presentation.

Thanks to these key benefits, a postgraduate education will impact your professional life for decades to come. Take advantage of this opportunity today so that you can make the most of your future.

To find the right course that will provide you with the most opportunities, be sure to take a look at the Programme Finder from the University of Stellenbosch Business School. This tool gathers a variety of information, including your experience, areas of interest and job function, to identify a postgraduate programme that suits your needs. Once you have decided which programmes you are interested in, you can visit our website to find out more about each qualification, or contact us directly for more information.

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