Life as a Full-time MBA student: Part II Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Life as a Full-time MBA student: Part II
My Full-time MBA Journey: Term 2

My Full-time MBA Journey: Term 2

Can I start by saying, it was rough! It comprised of five individual assignments, eight group assignments, along with 14 quizzes and five exams. This amongst group dynamics and finding your groove after a more relaxed first term, made for fast adapting to the new norm.

In our syndicate groups we had multiple assignments running simultaneously, while having to prepare for presentations, case study discussions and company visits. Modules such as Contemporary Decision Making, Accounting for Decision Making, Operational Excellence, Strategic Marketing and Business in Society were content heavy.

I suspect that even the term schedule is designed to give you support when you need it most. Just when you think you can take no more, in sweeps the Leadership Development module to remind you to reflect, journal and practice the skills you have acquired during the more challenging times.

Being a mom, wife and business woman is not a role one can do part-time, even when you’re a full-time student. Life was still carrying on, on the home front. And in the haste of the term, I realised that creating a routine which still provided those close to me with the assurance that they’re valued, was a priority.

From SBA to MBA and beyond – Read more about Rushana’s journey from SBA participant to MBA student here

One of the biggest advantages of doing an MBA full-time at the USB is having access to faculty members, administrators, other students and alumni. I found a coach who also lectures at the business school which made sticking to a weekly session accessible. Having a coach assisted in developing self-awareness, improving my performance and goal-setting, which I can now attest to have been a big driver in conquering the toughest term yet.

I have made a list of the things that pulled me through the term:

  • Starting early – even if it is just by creating a framework or map of the assignment. This opened the thought process to build my assignments on and alleviated a lot of anxiety for me.
  • Making time for things/people I love – spending time with my family became a source of energy and constantly reminded me why I am putting myself through this.
  • Exercise – well the few times I managed to do a few laps in the pool lifted my spirit! My classmates who follow exercise routines religiously, were a lot calmer and appeared more balanced in juggling their schedules.
  • Focusing on my spiritual life – There really is nothing like a challenging time to bring one to your knees and remind you where your source originates from.
  • Getting enough rest – I found getting to bed early and rising before the birds added more productive hours to my schedule than pulling late nights, whilst many of my peers found the opposite to be true for them.
  • Eating well – Eating on the run, constant snacking on low fibre, high fats/salt/sugar cannot sustain you as a student.
  • Support system – Most of all, having a solid support system rooting for you gets you through the toughest of days.

Read more about Rushana’s first term experience  Click here

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