About us Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content

Management Review is the online platform where the University of Stellenbosch Business School publishes business knowledge based on research conducted by its faculty, students and research centres. This is also where you will find opinion pieces and reports, and insight into the research process itself.

The key topics correspond with our key areas of expertise – leadership, finance, futures studies, coaching and strategic management. The content is published in one of four sections:



Lead articles (usually the longer reads)



Shorter articles, mostly based on research conducted at Stellenbosch Business School



Write-ups about key research pieces and industry reports


Food for Thought

Shorter articles or videos on various aspects of research

Management Review is published twice a year, in autumn and in spring. The copyright for all published material is vested in the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

Editorial Committee

Charles Adjasi

Prof Charles Adjasi

Head: Research

Head: PHD Business Man


Owen Mbundu

HEAD: Marketing

Committee members


Amanda Matthee

Specialist Content Creator, Marketing

Contact us

Please contact us at [email protected] with comments and also suggestions for
topics or articles you would like to see in future editions of Management Review.