Message from the President of the USB Alumni Association Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
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It is with excitement and pride that I reflect on USB, the commitment and contributions of alumni

It is with excitement and pride that I reflect on USB, the commitment and contributions of alumni, and the outstanding achievements of USB alumni globally during 2017.


Contribution to USB accreditation

As a proud institution bearing the Triple Crown of international accreditations – namely AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA – USB was assessed by two of the accreditation bodies during 2017. Both AACSB and AMBA recently fully re-accredited USB for another five years. Congratulations to USB’s leadership, management, staff, students and alumni on this achievement.


Alumni ambassadors and achievers

During 2017, the USB Alumni Association’s executive, regional committees and members were regularly invited as guest speakers at alumni and industry engagement events, and at events aimed at continuous learning. They served as USB ambassadors at global events and regional information sessions, and contributed to grow the global network and footprint of the association. I thank alumni for sharing industry news and for sharing with others the value that their qualifications add to their work environment and career growth.


The USB Alumni Association and senior staff of USB appreciate the various ways in which alumni give back to USB through mentorship, guest lectures, testimonials, as ambassadors of USB, and in financial ways. We remain committed to support alumni in their career growth and continuous learning.


USB Alumnus of the Year 2017

At the USB-Kgalema Motlanthe Foundation Leadership Lecture Series hosted in partnership with USB on 27 October, the USB Alumni Association awarded the Alumnus of the Year Award 2017 to Mr Vuyani Jarana, newly appointed CEO of SAA and previously Chief Officer of Vodacom Business. Mr Jarana, an established and responsible corporate leader with sound decision-making skills, has served as the custodian of the values, culture and financial health of various business units and organisations. His success as a business leader is an example of the difference one person can make to sustainable business success in South Africa and beyond. I wish him every success and look forward to a lifelong partnership with him as ambassador of USB.


On behalf of the USB Alumni Association’s Exco, I thank our alumni for contributing to the proud legacy of the Business School and for their participation in the USB Alumni Association and its activities.


Wishing you and your family a blessed festive season and prosperous 2018.


Prof Prieur du Plessis

President of the USB Alumni Association


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