Message from the USB Alumni Eastern Cape Chapter Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
A lit light bulb
Our windy city has been buffeted by seasonal rains bringing some relief to our water situation.

Our windy city has been buffeted by seasonal rains bringing some relief to our water situation. Cape Town will understand our plight and it’s good to see their water situation improving steadily.

It sometimes takes a water crisis to remind us what’s really important. The stresses and strains of work, the economy and our little fights begin to pale in comparison to not having enough water. Suddenly we become more mindful of wastage, exploring new opportunities for water from boreholes, innovating around our homes with water tanks, pumps and filters.

Indeed necessity is the mother of invention (or innovation).

Even as the trade wars begin to hot up and predicting cryptocurrency prices is more like Vegas and less like Wall Street and where, despite all this wealth, people are still less able to make ends meet and to live a decent life – we are still here.

These conditions should drive us (out of necessity) to greater innovation, better ways of doing things.

Developing the agile and creative minds of the largest youthful population, right here in Africa, is a starting point. The next generation of innovators and inventors are right here.

“Indeed necessity is the mother of invention (or innovation).”
– Simon Meyer, Chairperson of USB Alumni Eastern Cape Chapter

Our best hope is to harness our collective efforts to enable the youth. Instilling the right values and ethic is foundational. Whilst we tackle technical skills, we must build a strong base from which the young mind must draw guidance and direction from.

So let us challenge ourselves to do just a little bit more to provide opportunities for growth to a young person.

Simon Meyer
USB Alumni Chapter Committee member: Eastern Cape
August 2018


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