A message from USB Alumni Western Cape Chapter Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Joining hands
Dear fellow USB Alumni Globally we are experiencing a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world.

Dear fellow USB Alumni

Globally we are experiencing a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. In South Africa, specifically, these VUCA forces have put our economy and business environment under immense pressure. The manifestations have been diverse and extensive in nature; for example:

  • Social volatility fueled by inequality
  • Business uncertainty exacerbating unemployment
  • Crisis management related to complex sustainability issues such as the management of increasingly scarce resources (e.g. water)
  • Ambiguous ethical decisions in the business and governmental spheres.

According to the World Economic Forum “Future of Jobs” survey, the top five critical skills required for meeting the challenges of the 21st century (and by implication a VUCA world) are: complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management and coordinating with others. There is no denying that the skills which brought us this far, will not be the same skills that carry us into a bright future.

Einstein famously quoted that “no problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.” Hence, we echo what our fellow alumni Jakkie Coetzee (Namibian Chairman of the USB Alumni Association) wrote, that an investment in imparting knowledge and supporting education are the surest way to positive change our future for the next generation.

As USB alumni, we are indeed privileged to have been the recipients of further education and to have developed our social, emotional, critical-thinking and complex information processing skills. In combination with our leadership positions, and being the beneficiaries of such education, we are perfectly poised to “pay it forward.”

Our call to action to all USB Alumni is thus to seek opportunities to “pay it forward” – whether it be in your own immediate environment or by supporting USB initiatives such as the “Tembalethu school for learners with special education needs” and “Help women get a business education” fundraising campaigns.

Stay in touch and share the magic of “paying it forward” via USB social media.

Yours sincerely

Western Cape Chapter of the USB Alumni Association


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