Taking Advantage of the Digital Economy Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
taking advantage of the digital economy
We are constantly being creative when it comes to commercialising Stellenbosch University’s assets

We are constantly being creative when it comes to commercialising Stellenbosch University’s assets. One of the biggest electronic platforms of its kind, Airbnb, will be helping us do so like never before.

Up until a few years ago, even with decent internet access, booking accommodation when traveling entailed a lot of administration. If you wanted to go on a trip, you had to visit a variety of websites or agencies, compare prices, location and availability, before you decided on the hotel that accommodated your budget.

Then the ‘electronic platform revolution’ started and with it came various companies who made our lives so much easier (and in some cases, our bank accounts emptier) – of which one example is Airbnb. Now time-strapped people (ahem, everyone?) can find almost anything online, from shopping to accommodation. On our Airbnb listings, you can find new comfortable non-hotel spaces, for a fraction of the cost, and twice the experience.

The Airbnb trial run began in September last year, as we tested the desirability of our widely-dispersed flats, houses and dormitories as viable options for visitors. It turns out there is a great demand, and as we have a number of properties that are only occupied for literally 10 months of the year, it is a demand we can meet. We are only the second university worldwide to start using Airbnb to commercialise our properties and these will soon be filled by conference attendees, tourists, international sportsmen and travellers, as they come to see what the pristine region of Stellenbosch is all about.

We hope that this platform, its ease of use and variety of offerings, is going to contribute to the 5th income stream of the University that we are tasked to grow. Check out (and then check-in) our initial offering. We are competitively priced, with super hosts which gives us a substantial advantage. Not to mention the great location of our flats.

We will be expanding this offering in the very near future. As we attract more interest to our neck of the woods, with affordable, and liveable spaces in which guests can stay so that everyone can come and enjoy what our beautiful town has to offer.


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