Greetings from the Alumni Association: May 2019 Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Since our last AGM, which took place in November last year, the Eastern Cape Chapter has been rejuvenated

Dear USB Alumni

Since our last AGM, which took place in November last year, the Eastern Cape Chapter has been rejuvenated with the addition of two new members on the Committee. We welcomed Anelet James (thank you Cape Town!) and Graeme Jonker. We have also elected a new chairperson when Greg Clack stepped down after many years of great service. Greg has not left us completely and we will still have his assistance and advice as an ex-official member of the Committee.

As the new chairperson, I had the great pleasure of attending the recent USB Alumni Association EXCO at the USB. A few observations of this meeting:

  • On one of the slide presentations I came across this statement which I read quite a few times:

The Restitution Statement.

Stellenbosch University (SU) acknowledges its inextricable connection with generations past, present and future. In the 2018 centenary year, SU celebrates its many successes and achievements. SU simultaneously acknowledges its contribution towards the injustices of the past. For this we have deep regret. We apologize unreservedly to the communities and individuals who were excluded from the historical privileges that SU enjoyed and we honour the critical Matie voices of the time who would not be silenced. In responsibility towards the present and future generations, SU commits itself unconditionally to the ideal of an inclusive world-class university in and for Africa

  • The meeting was attended by, amongst others, the heads of USB, USB-ED and Prof Prieur du Plessis (President USB Alumni Association). No doubt these gentlemen have pressing matters and extensive issues to attend to.
  • Video links to other Chapter Chairpersons across Africa and Europe despite ICT and load-shedding challenges.
  • A warm congratulations to the new elected Chairperson of the USB Alumni Association: Ms Elyssa Spreeth: Mpumalanga Chapter!

It is clear, from the above, that matters affecting alumni are given the highest focus and priority at USB. Very senior stakeholders including the alumni staff patiently listened to our reports and provided advice and encouragement to all of us.

USB makes every effort to draw in as many of our voices and using whichever means necessary to collet our views and to provide whatever support they are able to.

On a more personal note; the Stellenbosch University Restitution Statement used in our communications is profound. By embracing its values, USB will continue to play its part in rebuilding our society, historically wracked by division and pain, with sensitivity and inclusiveness.

The overall USB health check provided by the Prof Naudé and Dr Chris van der Hoven confirms that USB continues to chalk up national and international acclaim as a leading provider of Executive Education. We are the products of USB and that should reflect very nicely on all of us!

Simon Meyer
Chairperson: USB Alumni Association Eastern Cape


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