Feature your business or enterprise on our web Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
feature your business or enterprise on our web
As an alumnus of the USB powerful global network, you have access to a range of resources and benefits to grow professional networking.

Opportunities and business endeavours.  Alumni are now called to submit their own businesses, enterprises and services to be featured on the USB web.

The list of categories below is a guide to the categories of business run by alumni that will be featured on the Alumni Resources web page:

Energy, Construction, Manufacturing, Food and Beverage, Consumer Goods, Social Impact, Education,

Healthcare, Finance, Technology and Online, Tourism, Arts, Communication, Sustainable Environment, Services.

If you are interested in featuring your business, please submit the following:

  • JPEG photo of your logo;
  • Name of the business;
  • Your website address and contact details; and
  • A description of your business in 30 words.

Email address to submit business to: [email protected]

Here’s a link to some of the businesses on the web: https://www.usb.ac.za/usb-alumni/alumni-businesses/


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