Hardi Swart named FPIs Financial Planner of the Year Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Hardi Swart
Hardi Swart, a Certified Financial Planner and the managing director of Autus Private Clients,

has been named the Financial Planning Institute (FPI) of South-Africa’s Financial Planner of the Year for 2019.

Swart, accompanied by his wife Anemike (also a USB alumnus), received this prestigious award at a gala dinner at the FPI Convention in Sandton. The award is the highest accolade bestowed on financial planners in South Africa.

The rigorous selection process requires selected candidates to submit a detailed case study; to open their practices for inspection; and to demonstrate their expertise in a panel interview on topics from legislation and industry trends to technical information and the ability to prioritise client’s needs.

He is a farm boy from the small town Naboomspruit, in Limpopo, whose passion for financial planning started many years ago when his father was killed in a tragic car accident. His family was not prepared for the tough times that followed and when they eventually sold their farm and businesses they were poorly advised and ended up loosing a large portion of their family wealth.

This was a tough but extremely valuable lesson to learn at a young age, however this was also the event that triggered his interest in multi-generation family wealth planning and why he is passionate about helping families avoid financial pitfalls.

Hardi completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning from the University of Stellenbosch Business School. He also obtained his BCom degree at the University of Stellenbosch and completed an international diploma in business consulting through collaboration with Syracuse University New-York.

Hardi has been part of the Autus team for more than 10 years. “I am privileged to be part of a great team. Autus is a business that recognises the value of family. As a family-owned business with a desire to pass the business onto the next generation, we have a long-term investment horizon. We see ourselves as stewards of a better future.”


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