A message from the USB Alumni Association Chairperson Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
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By Elyssa Spreeth, Chairperson: USB Alumni Association

Can you believe it? Year end is almost around the corner and it feels as if the year just started.  However, from a USB alumni perspective, we can look back at a very exciting and busy year.

We are very pleased to have had a successful Alumni Exco AGM in the beginning of the year where various new initiatives were shared, amongst those are the new Alumni web portal where all alumni can register and get updates on developments. Have all of you registered yet? Give us your thoughts and feedback on how it can improve.

From the various chapters, 19 events took place. Two events took place in Cape Town, two in Gauteng, four elsewhere in South Africa and 11 events taking place across the globe. These events are either knowledge sharing events or business dialogues with prominent speakers. We are trying to make our alumni network as accessible to our alumni as possible and we encourage you to reach out and use these networking opportunities and join our community of lifelong learning.

USB is in the final stages of preparation for EQUIS visit for re-accreditation in September. Alumni and corporate engagement forms a core part of the self-evaluation report. Alumni will form part of the discussions and will get invited to select discussion and network events with the EQUIS team.

We are looking forward to the Alumnus of the Year awards, which will take place in October.

After a successful experiment in 2018, we are excited to announce that the electives will be open to alumni in November again this year and we would like to encourage our alumni to participate. It is a key opportunity to brush up on business skills or even share your knowledge on specific business areas.

Who has visited the upgraded facilities yet? The modern facilities are quite a step up from what I was used to during my studies in 2010 and I would most definitely encourage all alumni to come and enjoy a cappuccino in the upgraded cafeteria if they are to visit the Cape and specifically Bellville for business or leisure.

On the research front, we would like to congratulate the 445 recent graduates and three doctoral graduates.

As I write this, South Africa is building a new future post national elections with quite a few challenges ahead. From a business perspective this poses various challenges as well as opportunities. As business leaders, we should consider opportunities to leverage BBBEE as well as considering the opportunities and threats of the fourth industrial revolution.

Please share your thoughts and try to attend your alumni get-togethers where possible.  If you feel you are in a region with significant alumni but no alumni chapter, talk to us.  It is through connectivity that we build strong alumni bonds and enable networking which could perhaps benefit your business or personal growth.


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