A message from the Gauteng and Mpumalanga Chapters Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
The start to this year saw the phrase #TwentyPlenty used to describe the new decade.

As we end the second quarter of 2020, who would have imagined that the year would hold so many interesting new challenges?

The advent of the COVID-19 has meant change for all of us, and despite the challenges this change has brought, USB has adapted and already this year has seen the Chapter Chairs across Africa and the Middle East meet for a strategic workshop and have the Alumni EXCO AGM.

USB has risen to the challenge and converted into a fully online offering for students as well as alumni.  This means that all the pre-work done during 2019 has seen regional activities move to webinars, which are available to all alumni across the globe. As we navigate this period, you can look forward to the same impactful content delivered to your office, study or living room.

Upcoming events include:

  • The Alumni Webinar series hosted by the chapters and a series of Alumni Masterclasses centred around key themes; so please register for topics that interest you
  • An Alumni immersive learning experience in collaboration with a leading business school in India in 2021
  • Leaders Angle and Career webinars

For USB, 2019 ended on a high note with the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Council reaccrediting USB for a full five-year term in terms of the EQUIS standards that cover all aspects of our School. This successfully completes the “triple crown” reaccreditation cycle and USB remains a member of the exclusive group of 100 business schools around the world and the only school on the African continent with this level of peer recognition.

We are proud of all our Alumnus of the Year finalists and want to thank each of you for the impactful contributions you make to your spheres of influence. The winner has been selected and will be announced soon.

We want to congratulate Shayo Imologome, the alumni chapter chair of Western Africa, on her recognition as one of the 50 leading ladies in Nigeria. We are proud to have an active alumni networker as yourself on our team.

Alumni will once again be invited to attend electives; USB is currently investigating in what format and according to which timeline this will be feasible so please keep an eye on your mailboxes to learn more. It is a key opportunity to brush up on business skills or even share your knowledge on specific business areas.

Please share your thoughts and try to attend your alumni webinars where possible. It is through connectivity that we build strong alumni bonds and enable networking which could benefit your business or personal growth.

Elyssa Spreeth
Chairperson: USB Alumni Association
Chairperson: Mpumalanga Chapter
Virna G. Alexander
Chairperson: Gauteng Chapter


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