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You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.” – Gordon B Hinckley

You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.” – Gordon B Hinckley

When ZAS Petroleum founder Siya Maya, an MBA alumnus, puts her focus onto a project, there isn’t much that can stand in her way. This determination and ability to make her ambitions a reality is part of what gives her business a solid base. Started in 2015 after over a decade in the energy industry, ZAS Petroleum has established itself as level 1 B-BBEE, 13,5% black women-owned entity that specialises in the trading of crude oil and refined petroleum products.

Other elements that make the ZAS Petroleum foundation one to be admired is the fact that the family-owned and run business has values that are anchored in trust and goodwill.

“We are passionate about lasting relationships built on trust. On our quest to service our clients’ needs, we also have the personal goal of creating a legacy for our family and the many other families touched by our business,” says Director of Operations, Nkululeko Maya.

Business matters

Coupled with the above, Maya’s industry experience gives them an edge. Nkululeko has over 20 years’ experience in the energy sector, while Siya boasts 15 years of her own experience in the sector.

Education and staying abreast global trends and shifts are something the Maya’s take seriously. Siya has extensive experience as a business manager with petroleum trading and contracts management and she holds an MBA from the USB. Nkululeko holds a Master’s Degree in Quality (CPUT) and MDP from USB-ED.

“Ensuring that our management team was made up of individuals who are well educated, experienced yet dynamic and open to new ways of doing business was important to us because of how it would affect the strategy as well as the day-to-day running of the business,” Nkululeko adds.

Tangible value

When speaking of what their key differentiator is, the Maya’s are excited about what they bring to the table. “We have built a track record in the industry that cements our place as high performing, credible B-BBEE company that facilitates trade,” says Siya.  “We are positioned to supply consistent volumes to the market with multinational brands such as Lavin Energy Limited, BP and Chevron being part of our client base. We have the goal of expanding our business territory and partnering with more local refinery traders as well as global players.”

As 2020 continues to be the year for the unexpected, the ZAS Petroleum team is optimistic. “We are confident about the future of the business and are excited about ways that we can continue being contributors to the South African energy sector,” concludes Nkululeko.

For more information, click here.


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