Matie shop goes online from 1 July 2021 Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Stellenbosch University’s popular Matie Shop opened its online shop on Thursday, 1 July 2021

Stellenbosch University’s popular Matie Shop opened its online shop on Thursday, 1 July 2021, offering its whole range of SU-branded apparel, gifts and accessories.

“We are very excited to offer our customers this convenient way of shopping,” says Matie Shop’s newly appointed manager, Lara Cronje. “To celebrate this milestone, we will have exciting specials throughout July – so please watch this space.”

For Cronje, who joined Innovus three months ago, the opening of the online shop is the the culmination of careful planning and testing of the online commerce environment.

“Our team has been testing online sales for a while now, and there is a huge demand for our products to be available online – especially amongst our alumni, students that are studying remotely and the broader university community.”

“We receive a lot of queries from alumni living abroad, and hope to provide them with the opportunity to access all SU branded products from anywhere across the world in the near future as it will be a dream come true. In the meantime, local Maties can shop away!”

Apart from stocking SU products, residences and faculties will also have access to this online store to sell their branded SU merchandise through a central platform.

Visit Maties Shop online at for all your SU needs. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with the latest specials.


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