The Breast Cancer Companion: a free e-guide by Sonja Cilliers Stellenbosch Business School Skip to main content
Sonja's article
As a master coach and an advocate for emotional well-being, Sonja Cilliers has written a short e-guide called the Breast Cancer Companion.

Many of us have a friend, family member or colleague who has been impacted by breast cancer. As someone who has lived through this life changing diagnosis and treatment, I know that becoming a breast cancer thriver is about so much more than just physical survival.

As a master coach and an advocate for emotional well-being, I have written a short e-guide called the Breast Cancer Companion.  If you know of someone who has been impacted by breast cancer, please give the gift of sharing this post with them.   

The e-guide is free to download and provides details as to how to join our support community.

Access your free e-guide


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